Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Property tax Exemption for Qualifying Seniors

Who qualifies? Anyone who turned 65 by January 1st of the year they want to apply and have lived in their primary residence for at least ten consecutive years prior to January 1st. The exemption can ONLY be applied to your primary residence, not to additional homes you own. There are exceptions to the ‘ten year’ occupancy requirement listed on the county assessor’s website under ‘Senior Tax Exemption’.

How much is the exemption? At this time the exemption is 50% of the first $200,000 of the actual value of your home. The State Legislature controls the percentage allowed for this exemption and has the authority to raise or lower it depending on the state’s budget for that year.

Do I have to reapply each year? No, as long as you still own and occupy the same property the exemption carries over from year to year. If you pass away and your spouse is 60 years old as of January 1st of that year, he or she can qualify to continue the exemption as long as they meet all requirements, but must reapply with the county assessor’s office.

How do I apply? You can download an application from your county assessor’s web site or contact the assessor’s office and request a printed application.

Below I have listed the assessor’s website for counties within the Denver metropolitan area where you can access full details on requirements and exceptions for the Senior Tax Exemption.

http://www.co.adams.co.us/assessor http://www.denvergov.org/assessor
http://www.co.arapahoe.co.us/assessor http://www.douglas.co.us/assessor
http://www.co.broomfield.co.us/assessor http://www.co.jefferson.co.us/assessor

Denise Wing, C.E.O.
Certified Mortgage Lender
Academy National Mortgage Corporation


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